What Are Massive Open Online Courses? (MOOCs)
MOOCs are a new type of online education that allows anyone, anywhere, to learn specific courses/skills via video lectures, computer graded tests, and discussion forums. MOOCs help the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse. Additionally, this online learning site is very inclusive and acknowledges the learning style of all learners by using videos, articles, powerpoints, discussion boards, recorded lectures, etc as learning tools.
“A MOOC integrates the connectivity of social networking, the facilitation of an acknowledged expert in a field of study, and a collection of freely accessible online resources.”
Matthew B. Hoy
There are many advantages to the MOOC model for online education. The inherent openness and user-friendliness of the format means that incredible educational resources are available to anyone with the time to devote to learning. MOOCs offer real opportunity to people without access to traditional education.
The courses are usually developed by existing educators of the field and from large research institutions. In other words, they were deemed qualified by various trusted site administrators and have a high level of knowledge and experience in their field.
The students pay no enrollment fees and there are no restrictions on who may register, although there may be suggested prerequisite knowledge. MOOCs have the potential to bring education to millions who otherwise would not have access. The combination of short video lectures, frequent comprehension testing, and active participation in an online community can be an effective learning tool for some students, but the registration-to-completion ratio is likely to remain low. Everyone should be aware of this technology and consider participating in a MOOC to better understand how they work. You never know, it could help you too!
For example, Khan Academy is a MOOC-like site aimed at middle and high-school students. It covers basic topics in math, science, art, and computer programming. Users earn virtual badges for completing tasks and the courses are all free. I use Khan Academy for my Sociology classes today and I find the tutoring very helpful and easily accessible. In addition, you can communicate and create a PLN with other students taking the same class which helps if you have questions, generates opportunities and connections, and motivation because you have other people following along the course at the same time as you. An effective and educational learning environment and PLN consists of techniques that promote interaction, engagement and the attention of your audience. This is what MOOCs and Khan Academy is all about!
Matthew B. Hoy (2014) MOOCs 101: An Introduction to Massive Open Online Courses, Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 33:1, 85-91, doi: 10.1080/02763869.2014.866490.
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